Group 43

My mission is to teach you how to build incredible wealth from the income you already have…

How do I do that? Register for today’s free presentation…


Want To Build Your Fortune?

Let me show you how a secretary, a janitor, and a UPS worker each built multi-million dollar fortunes by crushing their false beliefs about money…


Who Is Alex Stoermer?

  • I Used My “Day Job” To Build Myself Into A Self-Made Millionaire.

  • I Could Have Done It Faster If I’d Been Trained.

  • My Happiness Now Comes From Showing Others How To Build And Keep Their Own Fortunes...

Wealth Building Isn’t Taught In School

  • 86% of Millionaires Are Self-Made…

  • 79% of Millionaires Come From Middle Or Lower-Class Families…

  • Only 3% of Millionaires Inherited $1M Or More…

At The Same Time…

  • 78% of NFL Players Are Broke Or Financially Distressed 2 Years After Retirement…

  • 60% of NBA Players Are Broke Or Financially Distressed 5 Years After Retirement…

  • Lottery Winners Are More Likely To Declare Bankruptcy In 3-5 Years Than An Average American…

However, the top 5 professions of those who build (and keep) millions are:

  • Salespeople

  • Small-business Owners

  • Engineers

  • Accountants

  • Farmers

So what have they done differently?

Whether you’re making $50,000 a year or are already a 7-figure entrepreneur, how you behave with money determines your financial success or failure...

Group 54

You can learn how I and others built fortunes in the…

It’s Never Too Late To Be The Best You’ve Ever Been.…


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